PSG COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, an institution of academic excellence, was founded in the year 1951 by PSG & Sons’ Charities Trust. The emphasis of the Trust was on vocational education & production oriented industrial training. In order to achieve these objectives, the founders wisely decided to locate the college in the same campus as the PSG Industrial Institute, which is a pioneer today in the manufacture of several engineering products, like process and agricultural pumps, industrial motors & high quality speciality castings. One unique feature at PSG College of Technology is the close collaboration of educational institution and industry, resulting in the cross fertilization of theory with practice. The undergraduate engineering students are required to spend half a day every week in the PSG Industrial Institute which enables them to study the actual production processes and gives them an opportunity to observe the working of industry. This scheme has been hailed as a unique approach to inculcate industry culture among the students. In addition, a large number of projects, which the students undertake in collaboration with the PSG industrial institute and other industries meet the R & D requirements of industry.
The College has been in the vanguard of innovation in technical education, and over the years has taken giant strides and transformed itself into a prestigious centre for advanced studies in several faculties of Engineering, Technology, Applied Sciences, Management Studies and Computer Science & Applications. Recognizing the excellent facilities, faculty, progressive outlook, high academic standards and record performance, the University of Madras reposed abundant confidence in the capabilities of the College, and PSG College of Technology was conferred Autonomous Status in the year 1978, to update its own programmes and curriculum, to devise and conduct examinations, and to evaluate students’ performance based on a system of continuous assessment.
The academic programmes are designed and updated by a Board of Studies at the department level and Academic Council at the college level. These statutory bodies are constituted as per the guidelines of the All India Council for Technical Education. A separate examination section headed by a Controller of Examinations conducts the examinations.
PSG College of Technology an AICTE approved institution is affiliated to Anna University and ISO 9001 certified. Most of our programmes have been accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA). Sedulous progress has been the hallmark of PSG Tech. The growth and development of the college owed much to the untiring efforts of Dr. G.R. Damodaran, Founder Principal of PSG College of Technology. Presently Dr. R. Rudramoorthy is the Principal of the institution.
PSG College of Technology now has a student strength of nearly 5400 and has the following departments :

  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Production Engineering
  • Automobile Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Metallurgical Engineering
  • Textile Technology
  • Biotechnology
  • Management Sciences
  • Mathematics and Computer Applications
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • English
  • Humanities

The college has a state-of-the-art computing facility with
wi-fi enabled 8 Mbps leased line internet connectivity.